

Every success begins with the decision to try.

As a coach my focus is to instill this philosophy in my athletes while, at the same time, recognize that each athlete is unique. That you bring a unique background of skills and experiences. That you have your own personal goals and life circumstances.

The key to good coaching is communication. Your coach develops and plans a path for you by listening, evaluating and adjusting workouts accordingly. The focus must be on building a love for the sport, taking small steps, having fun.

We know what it takes, and how to prepare you for your success.


New to Triathlon?

Triathlon strengthens and tones nearly every part of your body. Unlike other cardio workouts, triathlon racing is fun and is often a family event. There are as many events as there are destinations and you get to measure your gains with each event.


“I like that my coach has competed at the highest level in local, national and world events.”

— Sarah Colhemis